Fulfilling short and medium runs within tight timeframes economically has driven the shift to digital label printing. Multiple SKUs, regional variation, customisation and individual traceability combine to upset the traditional economics of label printing. Demands from customers are more diverse and urgent.
Domino’s N-Series includes the 1200dpi N730i and the 600dpi N610i seven colour inkjet label presses, which are designed to address these market trends profitably. A separate N610i Integration Module is available for those that want a hybrid label printing press. These incorporate Domino’s unique and now enhanced automated i-Tech, intelligent Technology features, for improved performance and reliability.
The Generation 7 N730i label press uses the very latest Brother BITSTAR™ print head, with 1200dpi print resolution, delivering consistent high-quality print at the highest operating speeds.
With almost 1,000 global installations of our Generation 6 inkjet technology in operation, the N610i digital colour label press is the most proven solution for cost-effective printing of short and medium production run length jobs. The N610i can be configured as a standalone, in-line, or as part of a hybrid label press, combining digital with conventional print and embellishment capabilities.
Our N-Series high speed label press range is supplied with Domino’s leading class in-house UV curable ink sets for a wide range of self-adhesive and shrink-sleeve label applications. These provide excellent light fastness, abrasion resistance, with high opacity white for silk-screen replacement, as well as an option for food packaging compliance.
多米诺Editor GT数据控制器接受基于普通行业标准文件格式的输入文件,并具有创建编号序列的简单工具,包括切割堆叠以及模数编号增加,该控制器还提供丰富的条形码和二维码格式库。多米诺控制器解决方案拥有打印信号确认,以及集成全可视系统验证选项。
K600i White打印机可提供333毫米(13.11")打印宽度,最高打印速度75米/分钟(246英尺/分钟),它具备K600i的所有标准功能,但还包括了多米诺为提高性能和可靠性而开发的独特功能。这包括有多米诺i-Tech Trapless打印头盒,消除了可能聚集染料的所有墨水凹点,并没有因释放引起的喷墨可靠性问题,配装的UltraMix供墨系统能始终保持颜料墨水悬浮液。